In the Studio: The Bespoke Process
At the beginning of the year, we made the decision to move into a new, larger studio, with the intention of taking on more bespoke projects beyond our RTW collection. To date, this has been predominantly interior pieces for residential homes.
Furniture has always been important to encuir, and we have also been lucky enough to spend time developing the first of our own pieces, a chair which will be launching in the winter of 2024.
The chair has been largely inspired by bespoke work we’ve done. So how does that process work?
Well, it starts with you. The only limiting factor is your imagination. If you have the beginnings of an idea in mind, or a space that you’d particularly like to fill, you can reach us using the Contact form at the head of this page, or directly via
We will then scope your project, provide some suggestions and perhaps send an estimator to provide an in depth project proposal.
While it’s important for your to have an idea, we work with many clients who only have a rough idea of what they want; part of what we do best is narrowing down your broad vision into a final product or space. We have made wall panels, stairs, chairs, tables, car and boat interiors, and more.
Finally, you can find a selection of our bespoke work in the Projects section, or reach out directly for a portfolio.